Nate’s White Chocolate Easter Fudge Recipe


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I’ve got a really simple recipe for you which requires only 4 ingredients! Maybe you forgot to make something for Easter and need to whip something super tasty out super quick, then i’m here to save you with this recipe!

What ingredients do I need?

1 Table spoon Golden Syrup
400g Condensed milk
500g of white chocolate
Some for of hard candy shell mini eggs (i’m using Marks and Spencer mini eggs)

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Great i’ve got those 4 ingredients what do I need to do?

My baking tin has a pull out compartment, the chances are yours will not, so you should line your baking tin with some baking parchment, or tin foil as an alternative.

Now you want to break all of those chocolate bars into cubes and place them in a saucepan and heat at a medium heat.


Keep stirring until the chocolate starts to melt, stirring the melted chocolate over the non melted chocolate, once it’s almost all liquid then pour your condensed milk into the pan and mix well.

Once full mixed add some of your eggs to the bottom of your baking tin, and pour the mixture on top, use a pallette knife to even it out if you wish, I prefer it looking a little less perfect to show it’s home made.

Next add some eggs to the top, and then refrigerate for at least 20 mins, ideally over night for the best effect.

And that’s it go and enjoy!!

Nate :