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What ingredients do I need?
The following ingredients will make 24 cupcakes:
- 100g caster sugar
- 70g of muscovado sugar
- 170g butter
- 3 large eggs
- 170g self-raising flour
- 1 tea spoon of bicarbonate of soda
- 6 table spoons of Nescafè Azera instant coffee (I don’t normally list a brand but this is really the only product which is fine enough with great taste. 4 table spoons for the cake mixture and 2 for the icing)
- 8 heaped table spoons of vanilla icing (approx 300g)
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Great I have those ingredients, what do I need to do?
Firstly preheat your oven to 170C then start by cracking your eggs into a mixing bowl, then add both sugars, the flour, bicarbonate of soda and butter. Next keep mixing until you have a consistent non-lumpy mixture, just like the last picture of this section.
Next add 4 table spoons of the instant coffee into the mixture and mix very well, then place even amounts of the mixture into the cupcake cases.
Next put the cupcakes in the oven, the perfect number seems to be 12 minutes, while it’s cooking in the oven let’s make up the icing, this is simple, just get the vanilla icing and mix in two more table spoons of the instant coffee. After 12 minutes leave your cakes to cool.
Once cooled simply put an even amount of the icing on each and spread with a knife, they don’t need to be pretty they’re coffee cakes, and they’re going to taste amazing!