Nate’s Smoked Mackrell Bedded on a Seafood Stew Recipe


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This beautiful red dish is super tasty and all that fish has got to be good for your brain right? It’s quick and easy to whip up this dish and it looks and tastes fancy, so give it ago!

What ingredients do I need?

The following ingredients will serve 2:

5 smoked mackerel fillets
150g of pre-cooked prawns
200g of shelled frozen mussels
1 can of tomato soup
2 table spoons of smoked paprika
6 table spoons of paprika
1 chicken stock cube
1 fish stock cube
1 table spoon of garlic granules
6 table spoons of tomato ketchup
2 table spoons of ground cumin
1 table spoon of ground parsley
A sprinkling of ground peppercorns and chilli flakes
3 table spoons of cooking oil

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Great i’ve got those ingredients, what do I need to do?

Firstly place 2 table spoons of oil and the tomato soup onto a frying pan and start cooking at a medium high heat, then add the smoked and regular paprika, chicken stock, garlic granules, cumin, parsley and ketchup. And mix well before adding the ground peppercorns and chilli flakes

Next add the fish stock followed by the mussels, prawns as well as two mackerel filets chopped into pieces, meanwhile add the remaining mackerel fillets to a griddle with 1 table spoon of oil, place this on a medium high heat. Keep stirring the fish stew while it’s cooking and leave the mackerel fillets alone for the next 5 minutes.


After 5 minutes flip all the mackerels and cook for another 5 minutes, continue stirring the seafood stew as it cooks, both will be finished after that 5 minutes.

Once both are cooked, simply serve and enjoy, you may want to garnish with some parsley or other fresh herbs.

Nate :