Nate’s Paprika & Crab Pâté Elicoidali Recipe


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It’s Friday, so I just wanted something quick and easy today so I could go into chill mode, it’s also the end of the week and wanted to use up anything which needs to be used up soon (in this case crab paté). And this recipe is super tasty considering how quick and easy it is to make!

What ingredients do I need?

1.5 table spoons of paprika
1 tea spoon of onion granules
1 tea spoon of garlic powder
Some black pepper
50g of crab pâté
Approx 100g per person of Elicoidali pasta
2 teaspoons of hot chilli powder
2-3 table spoons of grated mozzarella cheese
Basil leaves (optional)

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Great! I’ve got those ingredients what do I need to do?

First place the pasta in a saucepan of water on a medium heat, add the pepper, once the pasta starts to soften and some of the water starts to evaporate add the paprika, garlic powder and onion granules. Cook for several minutes longer and wait until enough water has evapated that some of the pasta is poking outside of the water, then add the crab pâté and chilli powder.

Mix it in well and turn the heat up to a high heat and then add the mozzarella and then some basil leaves (if you wish), continue to cook and stir until the mozzarella is well mixed with the other ingredients. Keep cooking until the liquid thickens.



Now you’re ready to serve, place a few more basil leaves on top to garnish and eat!

Nate :