Nate’s Green Tea & Mango Ice Tea Recipe


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I love ice tea and we’re slowly getting towards the weather to enjoy it, so I thought i’d mix things up today and write a drinks recipe rather than a food recipe, this is one i’ve been making for a long time.

What ingredients do I need?

Regular tea bags
Green tea bags
Sugar (i’m using caster as it dissolves easier)
Mango syrup (i’m using tate and lyle mango syrup, I would say Monin is better but more expensive.)
Boiling water

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Great i’ve got those ingredients what now?

Start by putting a regular tea bag and a green tea bag in a jug of boiling water and leave to infuse for a couple of minutes.


After a couple of minutes add honey and the mango syrup and keep stirring, lastly add some caster sugar roughly 5 table spoons per jug.

Leave for 3 minutes and stir periodically during that time, pour this into a 2 litre bottle (repeat this process another two times until the 2 litre bottle is filled). Then place the bottle in the fridge for at least an hour, then pour into a glass, add some ice cubes and enjoy!

Nate :