Nate’s Cheaper Alternative to Wagyu Steak Recipe


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Wagyu is a popular marble steak especially in it’s origin country Japan, Wagyu steak is quite difficult to obtain in the UK and comes with a price tag. You can buy the same weight of a feather blade steak for less than half the price. While it’s not as marbly it is still marbly and can taste not to far different from Wagyu when cooked right. Feather blade steak is not a well known cut and is actually often used for slow cooking for carousels etc..

What ingredients do I need?

Approx 200g of feather blade steak per person
Approx 50g of curly kale per person
Salt and Pepper

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Great that’s not many ingredients! What do I need to do?

Firstly put your curly kale in a saucepan of salt water and put on a medium high heat.

Next put a frying pan on a high heat, which this is heating cut your steak into slices, discarding the central strip of fat (the feather stalk), then cover both sides of each strip in salt and pepper, it really doesn’t need any more seasoning than that.

After several minutes your frying pan should be at heat, you could test this by putting your discarded fat strip in the pan and making sure it sizzles when it makes contact to the pan. Cook for one minute then flip and cook for another minute, you don’t need any oil in the pan the fat in the steak will be enough. Once both sides are cooked place on a plate and leave to rest for a few minutes.



While it’s resting drain your kale, and then plate it, and then top it with your steak once it’s finished resting, and your ready to serve!

Nate :