Nate’s Breadcrumb-Vindaloo Marinated Chicken Recipe


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It’s hump day, so what better way then to make some form of curry, today i’m creating my own take on a vindaloo marinade and also adding breadcrumbs to the marinade to create some darn tasty chicken!

What ingredients will I need?
The following will serve 2:

For the Marinade: 
A splash of a lemon juice
2 table spoons of white vinegar
1 tablespoon onion powder
1/2 table spoon of garlic powder
1/2 table spoon of ginger powder
1 tea spoon garam masala
1 tea spoon ground cumin
1 tea spoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon of english mustard
4 table spoons of vegetable oil
1 tea spoon of salt
4 table spoons of breadcrumbs

400g of diced chicken breast
1 cup of rice
2 table spoons of cooking oil

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Great i’ve got those ingredients what do I need to do?

The great news is there isn’t much to do! Start by adding all of the marinade ingredients to a a container, then add the chicken into the container also. Now put a lid on tightly and shake that bad boy to mix everything together!

Now transfer the container to the fridge for at least 2 hours, once the 2 hours is up, leave in the fridge for now and add the rice into a saucepan of water and place on a medium heat. Next put the 2 table spoons of cooking oil onto a griddle and place on a high heat.

After a few minutes add the chicken to the griddle, you should hear it sizzle (if not you’ve not left it long enough). Leave each piece alone for 1 minute and then flip each and leave for another minute. Now drop the heat to a medium high heat and turn the chicken every 30 seconds for 10-15 minutes (depending on how big your diced chicken is).


After that time both the rice and chicken will be ready, strain your rice and then serve!

Nate :