Nate’s Beef Keema with Potato & Carrots Recipe


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I haven’t done an Indian dish in quiet a while and I had some minced beef sitting in the freezer so figured that it makes perfect sense to make a Beef Keema!

It’s a nice an easy dish to do, and not so much washing up if you don’t have a dish washer like me!

So let’s get straight to it, the ingredients you will need are:

Minced beef (I’m using 500g, which should serve 2)
Salt & Pepper
Coriander ground
Coriander leaf
Chilli powder (i’m using mild but you can change to hot if you like)
Ground ginger
Tomato ketchup
Basmati & wild rice

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Great i’ve got all those ingredients, what do I need to do?

To start with put some oil on a pan and start to heat on a high heat, after a short while add the minced beef, season with salt, pepper and chilli flakes, and flip after a minute and do the same thing. Keep flipping and separating the meat until it’s all separated.

Once separated firstly put your basmati and wild rice in a sauce pan of water and boil at a medium heat. Then go back to the frying pan and cover the entire pan of minced beef in cumin, and then do the same with with the ground coriander, then do a few shakes of ginger around the pan. Lastly add a good amount of tomato ketchup to the pan (you can use tomato puree, but I find this is slightly sweeter which works really well with the spices here).

Next get the veg cut up, for the carrots up slicing thickly and then cutting in half again, and for the potato i’m cutting into pyramids. Chuck those in the pan as soon as possible.

Cover the dish with coriander leaf and then cover the veg in cumin, and keep periodically stirring, when the veg are slightly softened it’s ready, then plate and eat!

Nate :